JUBO Certification
Become a Certified Jubo Teacher
Sarah Lynn is a Jubo T (teacher). You can become one too.
The Jubo Method marks a new innovation in teaching. Not since Suzuki has there been an introductory music method specifically teaching a student how to master an instrument. Jubo students can sightread and learn the basics in a shorter span of time because the Jubo instrument is the least complicated instrument to learn. Being the easiest to play allows other aspects of learning to emerge, sight-reading for example.
Once a Jubo student masters Jubo I + II, , they have a choice to study other instruments, or play more engaging music with JuboRep.
The goal of a certified Jubo Teacher or Master is emphasize learning by way of reading, not memory. Children and adults can sightread music when the right conditions are in place. The ability to read music from sight can be achieved on the first day. Composition is possible within the first week. If conditions are correct the average student can play all the pieces in Jubo ! within two weeks and master the music in Jubo 2 within 2 months.
There are 2 levels of certified teachers:
1. Jubo T (Jubo Teacher) Requirements are:
A. Mastery of Jubo I & II. Not only capable of playing all pieces in both books but ability to play in various tempos
B. Mastery of the C scale.
C. Ability to play music in keys C, D, Dm, Em, F, Fm, G, Gm, Am.
D Ability to read JuboTab,
E. Ability to write and compose music in western notation and JuboTab.
F. Mastery of JuboShorthand,
G. Ability to compose short pieces in various keys
H. Ability to improvise and ornament with trills and tremolos.
2. Jubo M (Jubo Master). Meets all requirements of a Jubo T + exceptional playing/teaching technique.
A third certification
3. Jubo J (Jubo Journeyman). Although a Jubo J is not a certified teacher, they possess skills in virtuoso playing that generates excitement and attraction to those inspired to play Jubo.
Jubo teachers stress individual progress verses herd mentality. That means giving each student individual attention so bad habits don’t get entrenched.
Group playing is permissible, but it should not be the preferred way to go. Recorder education in the United States went this direction to save money. Greater achievement can be obtained when emphasis is on the student verses the group..