Money Tight?
Sometimes challenging times can create opportunities. Maybe now's the time to learn an instrument. What were excuses like, instruments are complicated, or takes too long to learn no longer apply.Or maybe it's too expensive. We can help. Our Jubo is not only the simplest instrument to learn, it's inexpensive; especially during these times when money is tight. Everyone needs a break. So we're offering a special package to get you started.
Our Jubo Starter Package includes:
the Jubo Pro with a red & gold velveteen case, plus our most popular seller, Jubo i.
This tested method is the easy way to turn yourself into a music maker quickly.
Not only learn the instrument, but master the art of reading, writing, composing
and performing music.
all for just $24.00
That's 33% off.
There's enough things going around in the world today to get scared about;
music should not be one of them.
Now that you have the time, make the most of it.
Paste this link and get the special offer.