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Vermont Renaissance Faire: Stowe, Vermont


The Vermont Renaissance Faire is a weekend of fun and merriment for the whole family! The Faire includes Medieval-inspired artisans and craft vendors; beer, wine, mead and cider makers from around Vermont; tasty food from local chefs; musicians, dancers, acrobats, historical demos, encampments, a joust and so much more. Vikings, fairies, knights, jesters, pirates and even a unicorn!

The Faire is a family-friendly event for all ages.  Kids under 6 get in FREE.

Get Tickets to the 2021 Vermont Renaissance Faire

The Vermont Renaissance Faire is held annually at the Mayo Events Fields at 80 Weeks Hill Rd, Stowe, Vermont 05672.  Our 2021 events schedule will be released soon. Until then, check out our previous schedule of events. Need lodging? Vermont Renaissance Faire attendees can visit the GoStowe lodging page for the best area hotel prices and info. Follow Vermont Renaissance Faire on Facebook so you don’t miss any news and announcements!

Come in Garb, Come with your Friends, Come to Vermont.