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9th Annual Kill Tide Arts & Craft Festival


Drummer Boy Park, Main Street (Route 6A) Brewster, MA 
GPS Address: 773 Main St, Brewster, MA 02631

Free Admission, Rain or Shine and Friendly Pets on a leash are welcome.

Click here to view all Exhibitors in this event.

Over 85 Juried Artisans will display and sell their American made arts and crafts; including Photography, Tile, Fine Art, Silver Jewelry, Hair Accessories, Quilts, Personal Care, Soy Candles, Trivets, Flags, Painted Doormats, Pottery, Doll Clothes, Adult Apparel, Flags, Toys, Pet Gifts, Pillows, Fiber Art, Wreathes, Stained Glass, Children’s Clothing, Wire Wrapped Jewelry, Tole, Shell Crafts, Baskets, Ornaments, Photo-art, Leather, Metal Garden Sculpture, Sheep Skin Accessories, Sea Glass Jewelry, Mosaic, Paper Crafts, Stoneware, Original Painting, Growth Chart, Nautical Home Décor, Folk Art, Furniture, Metals Mobiles, Up-cycled Fiber Art, Specialty Foods and much more. 

Later Event: September 4
The Connecticut Renaissance Faire