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J2T28 Jubo Sun N'fun

JUBO Instruments: Find your style

All JUBO instruments offer the highest quality of tone color and pitch accuracy. All models come with a velvet gift pouch, instructions and 3 starter tunes. Pitch: A=440 Range: c’’’-c’’’’ Number of tones: 11 Keys playable: CM, DM, Dm, EM, Em, FM, Fm, GM, Gm, Am

J2T28 Jubo Sun N'fun

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sold out

J2T28 Jubo Sun N'fun


Summer’s fun time. Whether you’re beaching with your friends, flying kites, relaxing in the hammock or learning your next dance moves, the Jubo Sun N”Fun model is the perfect accessory for your summer sprees. Take it to your next sleepover and make a little music with that cute guy playing the uke. Durable so you can play it it while running through the sprinklers or when you dive in your friend’s pool with your clothes on.

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