JUBO Instruments: Find your style
All JUBO instruments offer the highest quality of tone color and pitch accuracy. All models come with a velvet gift pouch, instructions and 3 starter tunes. Pitch: A=440 Range: c’’’-c’’’’ Number of tones: 11 Keys playable: CM, DM, Dm, EM, Em, FM, Fm, GM, Gm, Am
J5. Jubo Blue Shadow
J5. Jubo Blue Shadow
Egyptian civilization was deeply inspired by this unique glowing blue lotus water lily, and from that created the first known man-made pigment, Egyptian blue. It was used for thousands of years until the ancient recipe was lost after the fall of the Roman Empire.
Jubo recreates this pigment which was used to enhance creation and rebirth. No wonder this rare lily was found in tombs all across ancient Egypt.
Comes with a royal blue velvet pouch imported from the far corners of the east. But why stop there? Order the custom pouch in black with gold Egyptian trim.