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Jubo Christmas Sampler: Jubo 1 & Jubo Rep Christmas Solstice Music

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Jubo Christmas Sampler: Jubo 1 & Jubo Rep Christmas Solstice Music

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JUBO method sample page good king copy.jpg
The First Noel - Full Score copy.jpg
Jubo 1 & christmas copy.jpg
JUBO method sample page good king copy.jpg
The First Noel - Full Score copy.jpg

Jubo Christmas Sampler: Jubo 1 & Jubo Rep Christmas Solstice Music

Sale Price:$19.00 Original Price:$23.00

Just in time for the holidays! Now you can Jubo in the holidays. Get started with Jubo I, which contains the Christmas classics “Good King Wenceslas” & “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, then play solos, duos and trios from The Christmas Solstice Music Collection which includes:

I Saw Three Ships

The First Nowell

Orientis Partibus

Nova! Nova!

Christmas Eve is Here

Star in the East

The Lord of the Dance

Sing We Nowell

The effect of multiple Jubos is sweet and charming and any instruments can use Jubo Rep. So get out that fiddle, huddle around the piano, or strum the accompanied chords on the guitar. Happy music making holidays to you, your family and friends.

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Good King Wenceslas from Jubo 1

The First Nowell from Christmas Solstice Music