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Christmas Solstice Music Vol 1 JR9


Christmas Solstice Music Vol 1 JR9

JR9 Christmas solstice. The Shortest Tunes (dragged) copy.jpg
JR9 Christmas solstice. The Shortest Tunes (dragged) copy.jpg

Christmas Solstice Music Vol 1 JR9


The shortest tunes. Traditional Christmas music adapted and arranged for 2-3 Jubos and all melodic/accompanying instruments. This collection contains a French Carol (Christmas Eve is Here), an American shape note hymn (Star in the East), a Cornish hymn (The First Nowell), a Shaker song (The Lord of the Dance), an English Christmas Carol (I Saw Three Ships), a Scottish Carol (Nova! Nova!) a latin lyric, (Orientis Partibus), and a Renaissance French melody (Sing we Noel).

Now you have everything you need to celebrate the Solstice!

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