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Jubo Faire JR7


Jubo Faire JR7

Blow Thy Horn Hunter (score & Jubo parts)
Jubo Faire JR10
Greensleeves (detail)
Blow Thy Horn Hunter (score & Jubo parts)
Jubo Faire JR10
Greensleeves (detail)

Jubo Faire JR7

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Here’s a selection of popular Renaissance music. Encompasses styles from early to late renaissance period. All music can be played on all melodic and accompanying instruments. Works by Richard Jones, Thoinot Arbeau, Tielman Susato, William Cornish, and new work by Sir Wayne Hankin.


3 Fanfares

Kempe’s Jig



Court Dances Allemande and Basse Dance

Blow Thy Horn Hunter

Irish Monk’s Gig

The Pirate Song