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The Jubo Journey


The Jubo Journey

jubo journey cover web.jpeg
organ grinder
Brownie Camera
Joseph Patelson
Dick & Jane
Steven Hawking
glenn gould.jpeg
jubo journey cover web.jpeg
organ grinder
Brownie Camera
Joseph Patelson
Dick & Jane
Steven Hawking
glenn gould.jpeg

The Jubo Journey


Why was Jubo created and what can it do to turn our country into a land of music makers. The book details what Jubo is, how it came about, what went awry in recorder education, how innovation steals our skills, why some Dylan fans aren't happy, tributes to George Eastman and George Burns, why Glenn Gould was right and new elements to make entry level music education successful. Complete with charts and important information concerning the American music scene. 

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Pictures from top row: Book cover, organ grinder, Brownie camera, Joseph Patelson,

bottom row: Dick & Jane, Steven Hawking, Glenn Gould

Sometimes we let price determine our musical direction.

And that comes at a cost.

$1 recorder